About Me

Hi, I'm Sue Palmer. English by birth and American by choice, my husband and I now live in Ohio. We have two children and are recent empty-nesters. We've lived in NY, NC and AZ which has made for a delightful sampling of different parts of the US. 

So we know all about transition! I have learned through these times of change to always be thankful to God for what my life is at the moment, and to share every blessing.

I am a Christian, a Spiritual Director and a writer. I read voraciously, garden enthusiastically, and will spend hours at garage sales and our wonderful local antique stores. If you have a book to recommend, a photo of your garden to share, or just want to chat over coffee, I'm available!


  1. Sue
    Hi there-
    Just wanted to let you know that my Mem Mon post will be pub later this evening if you have time to join in again but also that I referenced you/your blog in there along with a few other blogging friends:


    It is not really published; I only "pub" long enough to grab the URL

    Take care

  2. Thanks, Chris. It's lovely of you to mention me and I will definitely participate!
